Honest reviews, regular hauls and all things beauty.

Tuesday 20 December 2022

Signing off for Christmas and saying goodbye to 2022.....

Sorry for the radio silence. I had plenty of posts planned for December but I have been terribly ill with flu - proper flu that is, not just feeling rough with a bad cold/congestion. I've had medication (still taking some), and I've been put on bed rest, but I have zero energy so I can't do anything anyway. I can't complete any posts, however my giveaway is still running and I'll choose winners as soon as I feel better - hopefully over the Christmas period. For now, it's bed rest.

I just want to take this opportunity to thank you all for continuing to support my blog, although it has suffered this year, due to my overall ill-health. I will be back in 2023, hopefully feeling very fresh and much better physically. I really appreciate every view, every comment, DMs on Instagram and any bit of feedback and encouragement. I especially love when you tell me when you've bought upon my recommendation and loved it!

I hope you all have a lovely Christmas, if you celebrate, or else maybe some time off work (although I know it's a nightmare if you work in retail - been there during my university days). I know that this time of year can be very difficult for many, so please go easy on yourself, and be kind to others. Relax and spend the time just doing what makes you happy, and try to count your blessings.

See you on the other side!

Siobhán xx

Thanks for reading!

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All products are bought by me, unless otherwise stated. Anything marked with a * has been kindly gifted, without obligation. I don't do sponsored posts. Opinion is always my own. Affiliate links may be used.


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