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Saturday 14 May 2022

Holiday preppin'


Sun holiday prep products

We're going on our first sun holiday since 2019 in a fortnight (I probably won't believe it's real until we get there!), and I couldn't be more excited (with a touch of nerves too, given that I haven't been on a flight or in crowded areas since Covid started - well, apart from hospital, but that was a safe zone!). I feel like I'd gotten a little out of practice with holiday prep, so I thought I'd share the main things I'm doing with you today. I tend to DIY a lot of things, as going to a salon for lots of pre-holiday treatments can be expensive and time-consuming, plus I spend enough on products, so I should us them, right?

Skin: I want my skin to be as hydrated and glowing as possible (all year round, but especially on holiday!), plus I don't use any retinoids while I'm away because my skin is very sensitive and I don't want to take any risks, even when using SPF50. In the weeks before going away, I will use a variety of masks, aimed at exfoliation, texture, and nourishment. I will also using hydrating layers, and ensure Vitamin C is in my routine too. I like to use overnight masks, to give my skin as much chance at retaining moisture, as possible. Some favourites in the lineup are: Oskia Renaissance Mask, Omorovicza Midnight Radiance Mask, FOREO Coconut Oil Mask*, and I will also use an oil regularly, such as Charlotte Tilbury Collagen Super Fusion Facial Oil*. Also, I am using Kiehl's Ultra Facial Overnight Hydrating Mask* with 10.5% Squalane. This mask not only rehydrates the skin, but it also helps to protect the skin's barrier function, and keeps it supple and nourished. These will ensure my skin is looking its best.

Hair: I get my hair cut pre-holiday, plus I use masks and pre-shampoo treatments every time I wash my hair in the few weeks before I go (well, pretty much all year-round!). I try to keep my hair out of the sun when on holiday, to avoid scalp burn, but also to protect my colour, so this means using headbands, hats and hair colour protectors while away. I really don't have to do much to prep my hair for holiday, but I do decant my favourite products to take away with me, as my hair is frizz-prone, so I use Color Wow Dream Coat to combat that, and a little oil. I will take my L'Oreal Steampod with me too, as it really is brilliant at taming frizz. 

Body: I don't go for any fad diets, or cutting out of carbs etc, as I just don't think that's good for my body. I don't think there's a "perfect" bikini body. You could be sitting there criticising your body, while other people would swap in a heartbeat. I left all of those notions behind me years ago!  What I will do, is make sure that I body brush daily (to help my lymphatic system), use a good body exfoliator to keep my skin as soft and smooth as possible, use a body oil, to ensure my skin is supple, and use Footner Exfoliating Socks to make sure that any hard skin is removed, and that my feet feel soft, and look sandal ready. It's ideal to use these around 2 weeks before travelling because it takes around 10 days for the full peel to happen and the skin on my feet will be left baby soft. These are things that I do throughout the year anyway, but I am militant about my regime in the month before I'm going to be exposing my body to the world! I personally don't self tan before going on holiday, but can understand why many do, as they feel more confident with some colour. I just embrace my natural colour, as I couldn't be dealing with patchy bits if I'm sweating, or re-applying tan in the heat! Each to their own, of course! I also do my own manicure and pedicure, as it's something that I enjoy doing, and I'll bring a change of polish for during the week.

Treatments: One thing that I won't attempt to do myself, is waxing! I don't particularly like other hair removal methods (apart from shaving my legs and underarms), so I just go the salon for a bikini wax, and while I'm there, I get a brow wax and tint too. I'm fortunate in that I'm not very hairy, and have been getting waxed for years, so at this stage, I only need to get my bikini area done 4 times a year, and they usually have deals on, so it doesn't cost a lot. I usually get this done a few days before going, so that my skin won't get irritated when exposed to the sun (slathered with SPF, of course!). I often tint my brows at home, but I find that it lasts longer when I get it done at the salon. I have toyed with the idea of Phi brows for years, but have read very mixed reviews, and have seen some really awful examples,  where the brows have pretty much gone back to their regular state within a small number of months, plus it isn't exactly cheap, so I haven't committed yet. I need to see someone who has sparse brows like mine, recommend a salon, with good before & after photos (not just immediate, but also an update after 6-12 months). The only other thing that I pay to have done is lash extensions (I take breaks throughout the year and use NYK1 Lash Serum during those breaks, which keeps my lashes feeling supple, plus it really helps them to grow). I just love how they look and between those and my brows being done, I feel a little put together. I'll also have a colour refresh & cut before going, but this is a regular thing anyway, so not an extra for the holiday, as such.

What prep do you do for holidaying? I must mention that I've gone on last minute holidays (with 1/2 days notice) before, which meant no time for special prep, so I think it's best to try to take care of everything, as best you can, consistently throughout the year. And if you don't get the chance, don't worry! It's a holiday, which is meant to be enjoyed, rather than bring stress! 

Thanks for reading!

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All products are bought by me, unless otherwise stated. Anything marked with a * has been kindly gifted, without obligation. I don't do sponsored posts. Opinion is always my own. Affiliate links may be used.


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