These products were kindly gifted to me, without obligation. |
Regular readers will know that I'm a bit (lot) of a skincare snob, so I hadn't tried any Revolution skincare products until I received the fabulous P.R. package of Sali Hughes' collaboration with them. I was asked if I would like to try the products and I love when this happens, as it means there is no waste and it's a bugbear of mine to see bloggers/influencers etc receiving huge PR bundles, which they never actually show again. I had read some good reviews on some skincare products from the brand, but with Sali involved, I knew that these are products I would have spent my own money on anyway. They're not just products that she put her name on, but she did her research, tested formulas, and came up with a simple 4 step routine, which is refreshing in the world of single ingredient products, which require you to have a science degree to figure out which might suit your skin. With people leading increasingly busier lives, a 4 step in 4 minutes routine will appeal to many. The range is vegan, cruelty-free, silicone-free, and made with recycled packaging. The range is also affordable, with all products priced at less than £15. So, how have I found the products to work on my dry skin? Read on to find out...