Honest reviews, regular hauls and all things beauty.

Monday 22 August 2022

Disappointing product: Kate Somerville Exfolikate Resurfacing Body Scrub

Kate Somerville Exfolikate Resurfacing Body Scrub Review,

I'm a huge fan of Kate Somerville's Exfolikate and I have raved about it several times on the blog, because it gives me super smooth skin in 2 minutes or less. It's perfect to use before a special occasion or if your skin has been a bit neglected and needs a quick fix. Therefore, you can imagine how delighted I was when I heard that a body version of Exfolikate was being released. I exfoliate my body once or twice weekly - usually before tanning and 3/4 days later. I have tried body scrubs from all budgets and repurchased quite a few, but I expected to get hooked on this instantly, and have the softest skin I've ever experienced and to say goodbye to my other body scrubs. Sadly, this has not been the case...

First things first, this is a pricey body scrub at £48 for 150ml (although I did buy it when there was a 20% off promo, but it was sill pricey). For this price, I don't think that I am wrong in expecting my skin to feel super soft & smooth, as I have cheaper products that do just that and blitz my chicken skin arms!

It is a physical and chemical exfoliator - physical in the pumice it contains, which doesn't tear the skin, but isn't too gentle either (in the way some body scrubs are, and effectively do nothing!), chemical in that it contains both AHA in the form of lactic acid, and BHA in the form of Salicylic Acid, which is oil soluble and deeply penetrates the pores, rather than just giving a surface exfoliation.

The directions say to massage into the skin for around 30 seconds (it takes me longer than that to do my whole body), then leave for up to 3 minutes, before rinsing. I didn't experience any tingling, which I sometimes do with the face version. I waited 3 minutes, looking like the hulk, rinsed and was so disappointed that my skin felt as though I hadn't used any exfoliator. The next time I used it, I paid extra attention to my upper arms, elbows, knees and ankles, and whilst they were a little softer, I genuinely can't say that they were smoother. 

I have used it several times, and will continue to do so until the tube is empty, but it won't be a repurchase for me. Please don't take me as slating the brand as I have absolutely LOVED every other product I have tried from them, and had high expectations for this, but even if it had been priced at £4.80, rather than £48, I wouldn't repurchase. 

I don't think that my "chicken skin" is even particularly bad, due to the fact that I regularly exfoliate and also use acid body lotions on the areas that are most troublesome. I have only read positive reviews of this body scrub, so maybe I got one from a bad batch, or maybe people have naturally smooth skin, or perhaps they just want to say that they love a product so that they don't get cut off from receiving P.R. - who knows! Personally, it's a no from me and I would recommend purchasing Ameliorate Smoothing Body Exfoliant instead, at only £13.50! In fact, I could give you several body exfoliant recommendations that I would rate above this one - maybe I'll do a post on them!

I'd love to hear your thoughts on this body scrub if you've tried it and also what your favourite body scrub is?

Thanks for reading!

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All products are bought by me, unless otherwise stated. Anything marked with a * has been kindly gifted, without obligation. I don't do sponsored posts. Opinion is always my own. Affiliate links may be used.


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