Honest reviews, regular hauls and all things beauty.

Sunday 20 September 2015

REVIEW: This Works Deep Sleep range

You may have read a post earlier this year (here), where I explained that I have Chronic Lyme Disease and M.E. I recently found out that I actually have a whole host of other infections/diseases too and last week I started a new treatment plan in the hope of eliminating all (or at least some) of these diseases. One of the (many) side-effects of one of the drugs I am taking (Rifampicin) is sleep disturbances. Anybody who has ever suffered from Lyme Disease/M.E./Fibromyalgia or any similar illness will know that the fatigue that accompanies these illnesses is absolutely crippling. Paralysing is how I would best describe it - sometimes it feels like I am too exhausted to even breathe and those are the days that I am completely bedridden. It is unlike any other fatigue you would experience unless you are chronically ill - I cannot emphasise that enough. Whilst sleep doesn't actually refresh you when you have an illness like this, lack of sleep or broken sleep means that you feel even worse and this in turn makes it even more difficult to cope with not just the illness, but also the treatment. This is where the This Works Deep Sleep range comes into play. Just to be clear, I am not sponsored by This Works and I bought these products myself.

I have been using the Deep Sleep Pillow Spray (€19.50) for a few years, ever since it was released and I find it very effective in helping me drop off to sleep. It contains essential oils of Lavender, Vetivert ( had never heard of this previously) and Wild Camomile and the combination of these oils produce a beautiful, relaxing scent. I spray this on to my pillow and duvet as I get into bed and drift off quite easily.

In July, I was very ill with vertigo, a sinus infection and hemiplegic migraines and I was prescribed steroids amongst other meds. I found the steroids had a very detrimental effect on my sleep - they made me feel wired, but not energetic and I spent a few nights clock-watching, which is not good for anybody but when you already have a chronic illness, it is very debilitating. At this point, I knew I had to try something else as the pillow spray on its own wasn't cutting it. This Works is a brand I trust, so I decided to try their Deep Sleep Bath Oil. It was expensive (over €100) but anybody who has ever suffered from insomnia will tell you that you simply cannot put a price on a good night's sleep. It is a 100ml bottle so it will last a very long time because only half a cap full is used for each bath (it can also be used in the shower, by applying to the body before getting into the shower). It contains the same essential oils as the Pillow Spray, but I thought that the combination of bathing in the oil (baths help me to relax anyway!) and then using the pillow spray, would hopefully break the sleepless cycle and I was right! I knew after the first night that this product was worth the money. The scent lingers in the bathroom for hours afterwards so if your bedroom is next to your bathroom, the scent would also spread into there, which would also help you to drift off.

When I was told in August that I would be starting a new treatment plan, I read up on the meds I was being prescribed and when I read that so many people suffered sleep disturbances, I decided to try the new Sleep Plus+ Pillow Spray. The reason I bought this one instead of the original is because it claims to not just help you drift off to sleep quickly but also help you to sleep right through and break the cycle of sleeplessness. I have been using this for three and a half weeks now and I have been sleeping an average of 7-8 hours without waking, something which has not happened for me in years and that is despite being on medication! This has been an absolute game-changer for me and out of the three products, this is the one that I would recommend the most if you are having sleep problems. This is a product that I will re-purchase forever. 

I know that many of you reading this will probably think I'm a little crazy & extravagant for spending so much money on products to help me sleep, but in my opinion you cannot put a price on a good night's sleep. It helps your mood, your ability to cope with pain, your energy, your motivation, your ability to work - everything. Nobody can argue with that. Not everybody needs help in this regard (before becoming ill, I easily slept for 8 hours straight or even longer at weekends), but if you do suffer from insomnia, then please try one of these products and let me know what you think.

Have you tried anything from the This Works Deep Sleep range? There are some less expensive products in the range if you would like to try them but don't want to spend too much. The candle is on my wishlist!

Don't forget to enter my MAC Warm Neutrals Palette giveaway here.

Thanks for reading!

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