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Saturday 16 May 2020

What are you most looking forward to after the lockdown and what will you miss the most?

What are you most looking forward to after the lockdown and what will you miss the most?, Covid 19

I know it might seem strange to think that we might actually miss some things when we return to normal life, but I bet if you really think about it, there will be a few things as well as a massive list of things we look forward to. I'm in the vulnerable group so I will be in lockdown until August, as far as I am aware. Therefore I still have plenty of time to think about what I'm missing and what I'll look forward to. I'd love if you tell me your thoughts in the comments below. These aren't in any particular order....

What I'm looking forward to:

I'm looking forward to hopefully feeling a lot better. It's over 11 weeks since I had an acute attack of what was initially thought to be flu. Most people will get over a flu or virus within a week or two but because of my pre-existing illness, it triggered a relapse worse than I have experienced in years. I will never be able to adequately put into words how ill I have been over the past 3 months but I have had excellent care and I hope and pray that I cam feel some improvements soon. I am very, very grateful for the care I have had. I am really looking forward to less pain and being able to breathe more freely. I'm also looking forward to not having to worry about loved ones at home and abroad so much! It's not something that I'm overly stressed about because I'm hoping that they are all sticking to the rules, which will keep them safe.

I'm really looking forward to going on a date with my husband. It doesn't have to be anything fancy, just outside of the house and garden - well I say that but he has promised to take me back to the hotel where we had our wedding reception when this is all over so that will be fancy but honestly, any sort of date will do! As strange as it sounds, I don't particularly miss shopping centres (we can still browse and shop online!) but being so restricted has made me realise that I actually miss the freedom of being able to go to the beach or do more cultural things more - I feel like I don't want to waste my time indoors anymore. We'll see how it works out!

As shallow as it sounds, I'm really looking forward to seeing my hairdresser again and having my hair done. I've missed the chats with her but also miss getting my colour done and was actually booked in for a change - I wanted to get balayage done and I was due a cut so the first week that I'm allowed out - that will be happening. Oh and a wax too - that will be a good day!

I'm looking forward to being able to hug my nieces and nephews - FaceTime is great but it really isn't the same. One of my nieces is basically a mini-me and I'm soooo looking forward to seeing her and just having a good old catch up.

I'm looking forward to hopefully the world being a better place where maybe people show more compassion and understanding for others. Maybe people won't always be in such a rush and will also be more giving in whatever way they can. The #BeKind movement was quickly forgotten when this Pandemic started but hopefully people will realise that being kinder is a better way to live.

I'm looking forward to being able to plan a holiday abroad - we were due to fly in both April and June but, obviously, that hasn't and won't happen but it's not a big deal really. There's always next year, or the year after!

What I'll miss:

I will really, really miss my husband working from home. I'm so used to seeing him throughout the day - just knowing that he's in the next room is a real comfort, especially with how ill I've been. I'll also miss the beautiful meals he's made for me - they won't stop necessarily, but it just won't be three times a day. I'll also miss the extra time we have together due to the gym being closed (he's loving Joe Wicks' workouts) and the fact that he has no commute!

I'll miss the sense of community and solidarity and the fact that we've (pretty much) all behaved in a manner that suggests we're all in this together and on the same side (apart from the 5G theorists!).

I'll miss the fact that saving is easier when you're not leaving the house! It's not that I haven't been shopping but it's undoubtedly easier to save money, or not waste money at least, when you're at home all of the time!

I'll miss the slower pace of life, in general. It's not a big deal but I've changed my posting schedule from 5 days a week to every second day, which is 5 posts less per month in total. It's not a big deal for most people but it's been less work for me at a time when I haven't felt well and the new schedule suits me better.

Despite the fact that I'm posting less frequently, my views have increased and I'm hoping that won't change but if it does, I'll miss that because I really enjoy blogging and knowing that people enjoy reading my posts makes me happy so I hope that the increase continues.

That's pretty much all I can think of for now. I would love to hear your thoughts - what will you miss and what are you looking forward to?

Thanks for reading! 

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All products are bought by me, unless otherwise stated. Anything marked with a * has been gifted without any obligation. I don't do sponsored posts. Opinion is always my own. Affiliate links may be used.

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