Honest reviews, regular hauls and all things beauty.

Monday 15 January 2024

What I’ve left behind in 2023….

Today's post isn't strictly beauty related (although there is a bit of a mention!). 2023 was a pretty tough year for me in a lot of ways. It took its toll, which I don't mind saying because normally, despite having to face a lot of adversity in life due to health issues, I remain very positive and generally don't let things I have no control over get to me. However, in 2023 it feels like so much caught up with me. It's hard to keep going when you're incredibly ill and get infection after infection and feel like you see your GP, Consultants and pharmacist more often than your friends! Coupled with that, there have been other stressful issues and I feel like I lost myself a little. I am absolutely determined that 2024 will be a much better year than 2023, but also better than the last 4/5 years. So, how am I going to make it happen? By leaving certain things in 2023 - Covid being one because 13 times is more than enough!

1. Opinions of others and general outside noise: I generally live by the quote "Don't take criticism from people you wouldn't take advice from" but for some reason, I forgot this in 2023. It's easy to cut toxic people out of your life if they aren't family, but when they are, it makes it more difficult..... but not impossible! I know that I am a kind and considerate person and I do my best to help others but sometimes that can be taken for granted so I have reminded myself to put myself and my health first. I can still be a kind person and say no and not let uneducated opinions bother me.

2, Doing things that I don't want to do:  I have very limited energy and other people forget that, so I am no longer going to do anything that I really don't want to do. That can range from following people on social media, keeping in touch with people who never make an effort to do the same, not sending cards to people who don't acknowledge them,  minding children when I don't want to and a lot more! Instead, I'm only going to do things that are a good use of my time and energy and that at the end of the day, I can say I'm happy with how I spent my day, and things that will bring me closer to my goals.

3. Eating or drinking anything that doesn't nourish me 80% of the time: I generally eat well but at times when I'm extremely ill, it can fall by the wayside so my plan is to always make extra so I can put portions of dinner in the freezer so that I know I will have food that not only nourishes me but also makes me happy. I gave up chocolate (unintentionally, I was ill and didn't want it and also after an elimination diet where I found that I didn't really miss and ultimately, it didn't make me feel good!)) for almost 8 weeks but then Christmas came and I indulged more than I'd like. I always feel better when I eat well and more sluggish when I am not eating as well as I should, so I'm aiming for the 80/20 rule but hoping it will be more like 90/10, which can only be a good thing.

4. Buying unnecessary items: I have reined my spending in a lot since I started blogging but I still find myself getting lured in by sales and just items that are needed at times. I really don’t like clutter but I have so many ‘backups’ of products that they’re no longer confined to drawers. I also need to remember my lifestyle before purchasing clothes/shoes/handbags because some things are very rarely worn and I hate to see pretty items going unused! 

5. Using any products that I don't love: This is connected to blogging and my dislike of waste. Sometimes, I will persevere with products that I really don't love for the sake of not wanting to waste anything or because it was gifted to me, so I'd feel guilty not using it. This year I will still thoroughly test skincare products for 6-8 weeks, however I have replenished my stash of core favourite products and will use these when finished the testing process, unless I love the products. If I don't like something, I will either use elsewhere on my body or pass on to a friend or family member who I think it will suit (with a different skin type, for example). This year is all about feeling good and the products I use on my hair, face and body are a big part of that.

What did you leave behind in 2023? I'd love to hear!

Thanks for reading!

All products are bought by me, unless otherwise stated. Anything marked with a * has been kindly gifted, without obligation. I don't do sponsored posts. Opinion is always my own. Affiliate links may be used. 


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