Anything marked with a * was kindly gifted to me, without obligation.
I know that it may seem early to be bringing you gift guides, but with Black Friday next week, there will hopefully be some good deals, plus with social distancing and nothing being the same as other years, I know that lots of people are doing their shopping early! I have something for all budgets, starting today, with under £25 and it will continue according to budget for the next few days, then I have separate posts for fragrance and candles, palettes and, finally, non-beauty. I usually do a giveaway at the end of my gift guides, but all too often I find, that people follow and comment for a few weeks, just to try to win and then whether they win, or not, they unfollow. Last year, I was on a pre-Christmas break in Rome, when I had a message from a giveaway winner, asking if I had posted her prize, I replied that I had but was on holiday so couldn't track it. She messaged the next day to say that she had received it and then proceeded to unfollow me. That left a bad taste in my mouth, as it wasn't the first time that it had happened, so this year, I have decided that I will pick random commenters, both here and on Instagram, to receive a prize each, but a lot of the items in these gift guides, will be going to homeless shelters and frontline workers, unless they are ones that I have specifically bought myself for family. I hope that you will agree that this is a fair way of doing things this year - I want people who actually engage with my content to win a prize. Now, on to today's gift guide! In each gift guide, there will be a mixture of products, which I bought myself (for gifts or maybe for myself!) and some products, which were kindly sent to me, without obligation to post. Anything sent to me will be marked with a *. I personally don't think that gifts under £25 are stocking fillers, like some people do. I think they are complete gifts and I have some great ones in this post. Also, if I have any discount codes, I will include them.