Regular readers will all know that I have dry skin and it's also prone to dehydration. The eye are is one of the first places where people will notice fine lines (or smile lines!), and this can make getting the right concealer tricky. We want to cover dark circles but don't want anything too heavy or cakey because it will makes fine lines appear more prominent than they actually are. Some people are genetically prone to dark circles, whereas for many people, not enough sleep will show in the eye area. I like to use concealers that will cover dark circles but don't feel too heavy on the skin. I was never into the big heavy concealer drawn in a triangle that also covers half your cheeks look, with a concealer several shades lighter than your foundation, but each to their own - it just wasn't for me! I generally go for a concealer possibly one shade lighter than my foundation, to add some brightness and will use a separate shade on my face because I don't want to highlight any blemishes. Today, I'm sharing my favourite concealers for those of us with dry skin....