Honest reviews, regular hauls and all things beauty.

Monday 27 July 2020

What I did on my blogging break.....

Well, hello there! It seems like it's been so long since I last typed a post as even though it's only two-ish weeks since I last had a post live, that was written around a week in advance of posting. I'd like to say that this feels strange but actually, it doesn't and it feels good to be posting again. If you're wondering why I took a break, I wrote a post explaining here. To be honest, I am no better so whilst I'm posting today, I don't plan to post as regularly as previously and will take breaks here and there because my body is really struggling but this is not a quick fix situation and if I were to wait until I am completely over this relapse, it could be next year before I post again! So my plan is to ease myself back into it, without any pressure. So, what did I do on my break?

I slept...... a lot! My meds make me drowsy so I nap when my body tells me to. Rest and sleep is so important in recovery.

I still looked at some social media (and posted) but I also unfollowed a lot of accounts. Nothing personal, but they weren't for me anymore and I wasn't seeing content from the accounts that I want to! I actually could do with unfollowing some more so that's a work in progress. I was shocked when I saw a group of bloggers last week posting freely on social media, drinking all day without any social distancing - no matter how much I enjoy a person's content, that will make me unfollow them!

I also went through my phone and deleted numbers of people whom I've had no contact with for years - people lose interest when you have a long term illness and have to turn down invitations repeatedly (not through choice). I also muted any Covidiots whose numbers I have to keep (family members mainly - I have ZERO TOLERANCE for anyone who doesn't or didn't follow the rules), left Whatsapp and Facebook groups.

When the sun was shining (not that often to be honest!), I lay out (slathered in SPF) and read if my eyes allowed - Lyme has affected my sight and it seems worse since Covid but I am hoping that will improve.

I made sure to watch something funny every day because laughter really is good for the soul.

Something I have tried to do for years, but was always too wired, is meditating so I have started to incorporate that into my daily routine. I'm not the best, but I'm trying!

Surprisingly, I didn't shop very much because I really don't 'need' anything and my birthday is in a few weeks so I'll probably receive a few gifts then!

I got my hair cut and coloured and it felt so good. I felt safe in the salon - there were strict social distancing measures in place and my hairdresser was in full PPE, I also wore a face mask (as did everyone in the salon). It was my first time to leave the house for anything other than a medical appointment since February 22nd, so I have to admit that I was nervous but it was worth it and I was at ease as soon as I entered the salon. I have no plans to go anywhere near shops/restaurants etc for the foreseeable as I don't actually need to. The only thing I really miss is the cinema but that can wait (maybe Bond in November!).

I pampered myself - A LOT! I used new products and some rediscoveries as I am so focused on finishing anything that's open. So you can expect reviews coming your way soon!

I limited the time I spent watching the news because seeing crowds on beaches, in bars, at football grounds etc, made me want to throw something at the tv. Why are people so selfish and stupid?

I have a LOT of medical grade masks but I treated myself to a nice Slip Silk Mask, that is lined with breathable cotton, as I don't really see a time in the next 6-12 months where I won't wear a mask if I leave the house.

I spent a lot of time processing my thoughts because I have gone through so many emotions since this whole Covid thing hit my body 5 months ago. Some days, I felt strong, others hopeless, others angry (not at Covid as such, mainly at the reaction of people to it and the breaking of rules), I've been quite upset at the reaction (or lack of) of family members - it was almost like "she'll be grand, she's been ill for years" - some didn't even ask how I was, so I was upset and angry because I'm a compassionate person. I needed time to process that and I just went back to my old mantra of 'you can't change people's actions, you can only control your reaction to them' so I've basically just numbed myself to them. One of my greatest flaws is that I don't forgive easily and I never forget - it really isn't a great trait but I suppose it's because I'm very loyal! Don't get me wrong, it's not like I feel that nobody in my family cares but if the situation were reversed, I would be the first to offer any help I could and check in on people who are not well, but I have made peace with it.

Overall, the break has been positive and my body really did need the rest and time to get used to my new medication and I'm glad I took it but I've been looking forward to coming back and posting about some fabulous new releases, some of my pamper sessions and lots more. 

I'm also running a giveaway over on Instagram - here, to win a bundle of beauty products and it runs until July 31st so you still have time to enter if you'd like!

So, tell me what you've been up to? What have I missed? I'd love to hear some news! Have you bought anything that you think I'd like?

Thanks for reading! 

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All products are bought by me, unless otherwise stated. Anything marked with a * has been gifted without any obligation. I don't do sponsored posts. Opinion is always my own. Affiliate links may be used.

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