Honest reviews, regular hauls and all things beauty.

Tuesday 22 September 2020

5 non-beauty loves.......

Neom Wellbeing Pod Essential Oil Diffuser Review, Gucci Soho Disco Bag Review, Veja trainers review, Non beauty loves, Huggie Earrings

I rarely speak about my non-beauty loves on here, but there are plenty! Lifestyle is something I had planned on including more of in 2020 but that kinda fell by the wayside with the arrival of Covid and huge dip in my health - I'm basically still in lockdown! Hopefully 2021 is the year that I can include more of that category, but for now we'll settle for some non-beauty items that I've been loving! I'd also love your thoughts on Huggie Earrings as I have been thinking of buying some - basically, I'm thinking of adding some jewellery to my collection that I can wear on an everyday basis (so hoops are obviously out and I have diamond studs but don't wear those daily so I need something that isn't a huge statement but is still noticeable), with minimal makeup, nails done, brows tinted and some perfume, so that even if I feel rubbish and am in very casual clothes (or pjs), I still feel like me and don't just see an ill person when I look in the mirror! Do you think there's any age limit for wearing huggies without looking like you're a try-hard or past it? Anyway, on to my current non-beauty loves!

Neom Wellbeing Pod Essential Oil Diffuser: Regular readers will know that I have a love of diffusers and candles, with Neom being one of my favourite brands. This pod is an investment, as it's quite expensive, however it will save money in the long run as once you buy the pod, you only need to buy essential oils afterwards and 5-10 drops are all that's needed for each use (added to water), so each bottle will last a long time, whereas I find that I can often go through a few candles a month. Not only does the pod look good, it's also easy to use. You take the outer lid off, and fill with water to the max point, then add 5-10 drops of whichever oil you want - there are ones to help you sleep, de-stress, boost your energy, make you happy and more. There's also a timer on the pod, so if you choose the oil to help you sleep, it will turn itself off after your chosen time - 1,2 or 3 hours. There is also an option to light the pod, which is subtle but does create a cosy atmosphere - I think I'll use that more in the colder months. It really fills the air with really beautiful scent, which doesn't smell at all synthetic (my pet hate), or overpowering. I find that it extends outside of the room I have it in but it's also easy to move around the house. This is a real treat product but if you are into home fragrance, it's worth the investment. My mother kindly treated me to this so I only had to buy the oils but there are some sets available that have some oils with them and if you want to buy a set of oils, they are normally £60, but you can use my LYMIN code on Look Fantastic and they are reduced to £48.

Gucci Soho Disco Bag: I know that this bag has been around for a few years but I just love it. I tend to use crossbody bags because I like having my hands free, plus with being in pain all of the time, it helps, not having to carry a bag on one arm. This one has grained leather, so it is very durable and it fits a lot, even though it doesn't look very big. I can easily fit my phone, card holder/purse, hand sanitiser, hair brush, some makeup, a small hair brush and sunglasses in here and still have some wiggle room. It's an expensive bag but given that the logo is subtle, I think I'll wear it for years, as it isn't a trend-driven bag. I have a 10% discount code for your first order from Far Fetch here, and that link also contains a 15% discount code for Matches Fashion. I'm not 100% sure f it works on Gucci, however I have used them to buy some Saint Laurent, who sell similar bags, if you are in the market for investing in a good crossbody bag that will last you for years! Even if you think they are out of your price range, but would like one, it's worth signing up for newsletters because there were 40% discount sales earlier in the year, which may be repeated.

Veja trainers: I think I'm probably a walking cliché even for mentioning these but, honestly, these are the most comfortable trainers that I have ever worn and they didn't even require a 'breaking in' period. I first became aware of them last year when they were everywhere as they're a sustainable brand and I think they first came to prominence because Meghan Markle wore them, but that wouldn't particularly influence me. I did my research and the reviews were overwhelmingly positive so I had to get a pair and I'm glad I did. Because I've been so ill and, basically, immobile, this year, I got shin splints after a visit to my hairdresser, which is ridiculous as the salon isn't even that big, but that will tell you how deconditioned I am! I wear casual clothes the majority of the time, so buying a pair of comfortable trainers made sense as I only owned one other pair, which were comfy-ish! These are game changers and I'd recommend them to anyone looking for some comfortable footwear and the discount codes mentioned above, should work on them so you can make a saving if you decide to buy.

TV: I always associate Autumn and Winter with binge watching tv series but the week that my husband was on annual leave, the weather was miserable, I got pneumonia and I also tripped over the cat and to stop myself from falling, I put my hand on a boiling hob (I obviously didn't know it was boiling!) and burnt my fingers badly. That combination meant that we pretty much stayed at home and watched some good tv. First up is The Fall (Netflix), which I had heard only great things about when it was originally on tv, so we binged that in a couple of days. It stars Gillian Anderson and Jamie Dornan, the former is a detective who has been brought to Belfast to find a serial killer, who is the latter. I don't want to give too much away if you haven't watched it, but plan to, but I will say that it's not your usual thriller/drama as there is a psychological angle for both of the main characters, so you get a real insight into why the serial killer behaves in the way he does, rather than just it being a series about catching him. Also, just when you think you know how it will be wrapped up, there are some truly shocking twists and it really does make you question whether there is any chance of rehabilitation or redemption for people that society class as evil and sick.                      

Little Fires Everywhere (Amazon Prime) is the second series we watched - we had been holding off because I wanted to read the book but I'm glad that we watched it as my husband is just finishing the book and thinks that the tv show is better, which is unusual (although he says there is obviously more detail and depth about some of the characters in the book). Again, I don't want to give too much away in case you want to read the book or watch the series. Reese Witherspoon plays the lead character and from the outside, she, her husband and family live the perfect life, with a stunning house in the perfect neighbourhood. She is super organised, helps everyone who even remotely needs it and does everything with a heart and a half.  It shows that no matter how helpful/organised/loving you are, your children are their own people and you cannot control their lives/attitudes and choices, no matter how much you want to. It also touches on white privilege, as the other main characters are people of colour. I really don't want to say much more but it's a must watch/read!   

All Or Nothing (Amazon Prime) - finally, this won't be for everyone but I really enjoyed it. My husband is a Tottenham Hotspur fan and I guess I am too at this stage (I've always enjoyed watching football - I have three brothers so it was always on in our house when we were growing up). This is a behind the scenes/all access look at how a football club operates. The cynic in me thinks that they knew when they signed the deal for this, that they were going to sack Mauricio Pochettino as José Mourinho is a character that intrigues people, whether they love or hate him. I personally feel that the owners should have backed Pochettino and given him some money to buy new players and clear the dead wood. They said they didn't have the funds after building the new stadium (which is spectacular by the way, as I was there last December), yet somehow, they found the money to give to Mourinho. After that tangent, the series shows how the transfer market works, what goes on at training, how the team preps for matches, how the manager chooses his team and what happens at half-time, which is something I have always been curious about, especially if a team is losing. It also shows the Covid crisis - how it affected the club and players, so this was a particularly good season for them to have filmed as a pandemic is new to everybody. It's interesting to see what matches are really like behind closed doors, where there is no fake crowd noise, which we hear on tv. I'll be honest and say that I had preconceived notions about Mourinho - some he has lived up to but he has also changed my opinion on others. If you are a football fan at all, curious about how it works behind the scenes and whether you love or hate Spurs and Mourinho, I would recommend watching it.

Books: My last category is books. I'm in awe of how many books some people get through but I'm a slow reader as both Covid and Lyme have affected my sight and, let's be honest, I spend a lot of my time either asleep or drowsy because of my meds, so my reading time is limited. That said, I've enjoyed reading Atomic Habits by James Clear and The One Thing by Gary Keller with Jay Papasan

Atomic Habits focuses on how you can change/improve your life by building good habits, even at 1% a day. It explains how a habit is formed, what is needed to make the change a habit and then how you can habit stack - basically add one habit to another, to another etc until they become natural to you and part of your day and you will eventually achieve your goals in this way. So, instead of writing a list of 10 resolutions, which seems like a mountain to climb and you may give up on after a few days, you start with just one, until it has become a habit and then move on to the second. Doing 5 minutes of walking daily, can eventually lead to a marathon but you won't run a marathon without breaking it down into achievable goals. Setting a goal of saving 10k might start with only a fiver a week, but you need to start somewhere. I found it very interesting.

The One Thing explains how with any goal/workload/day, you need to break things down to the one thing that will make everything else easier - there is always one task that must be done in order to achieve a goal. Without that one task, it won't happen - of course, it doesn't require only one task, but there is always one task, which, if isn't done, nothing else will be either. It's about prioritising and then habit building comes into play too, which is probably why I enjoyed both books. I think procrastinators would get a lot from this book, or people who always think that they don't have enough time for things, would find this book helpful.

So that's it for now! I'd love to hear what your current non-beauty loves are and also, your thoughts on huggie earrings!

Thanks for reading!

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All products are bought by me, unless otherwise stated. Anything marked with a * has been gifted without any obligation. This post contains a partnership link. Opinion is always my own. Affiliate links may be used.

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