Honest reviews, regular hauls and all things beauty.

Thursday 29 April 2021

What I loved in April.....

When it came to thinking about what I loved in April, it was events, more than things, that sprang to mind. In Ireland, we're still in lockdown, but on April 12th, we were allowed to travel further than 5km from our house for the first time this year, so we waited for a sunny day and went to a quiet beach to get some sea air into our lungs. It was heavenly! I honestly don't care about shops or restaurants opening (although I really am looking forward to getting my hair done  - hopefully next month!), going to the beach was the one thing that I was most looking forward to doing, as soon as were allowed to do so. It also made me think about what's to come and I hope that if we don't come out of this lockdown too early, we will hopefully be able to avoid another one (although who knows what will happen when winter rolls around). So what else did I enjoy in April?

My husband's birthday! Mid-month, it was my husband's birthday and I have been online shopping for months because he rarely buys himself anything and I love to spoil him. The last year has been particularly hard, with getting long Covid, on top of my pre-existing illness, but he's been my rock, so he deserves spoiling. It was low-key - we had an Indian takeaway (his favourite!) from our local restaurant and had his favourite cake - a classic Victoria Sponge! He was very happy with everything, which also made me very happy!

Longer evenings: I absolutely love this time of year, when the evenings are getting longer and you can dream about summer! I'm really hoping that we get lots of sunny days this year, so that we can sit outside and enjoy the evenings. It's been funny the weather the past few weeks, between snowy days and sunny days, but I just love Spring and am hoping that we get a good summer, as we don't plan on holidaying abroad this year.

Using all of my favourite and feel-good products: I'm a firm believer in not keeping things 'for good use' because every day that we wake up, is a good one, and even better if you're well enough to get out of bed. Even if you're ill (as I am), I find that using my favourite products, really lifts my spirits, so every day, I wear perfume, use luxurious body creams, beautiful bath products, light my gorgeous candles - you get the gist. 

Aquazzura Tequila Crystal-embellished Leather Sandals Review

Aquazzura Tequila Crystal-embellished Leather Sandals: I'm a bit of a magpie, so when I saw these sparkly sandals, I fell in love! The crystals are rainbow coloured and the sole is an ombré of sunset colours in leather. They're really comfortable too. They also come in a high heeled version, but I knew I wouldn't get the wear out of those, so opted for these flats! My husband kindly treated me to them. They're pricey, but I have a 15% discount code  for your first order in the bio of my Instagram (here).

We actually haven't watched a lot of TV this month. The only recommendation I have is American Gangster (Netflix), which is based on a true story, featuring Denzel Washington and Russell Crowe. The former is the gangster and the latter is the cop who is trying to catch him. Denzel Washington was a right hand man to a mobster and when he dies, he decides to get involved in the heroin trade, using only the purest form, which was therefore the most popular drug on the streets. Of course, the more popular your products and the bigger you grow, the more people you need to employ and the riskier things get. It's not just a regular game of cat & mouse; this film is very well acted and compelling. I won't spoil anything for you but there are some surprising outcomes. Well worth a watch. We plan on binge-watching Line of Duty when it's over, because I don't have the patience to wait a week between episodes!

Lastly, but by no means least,  after the heartbreak of losing two cats in the space of three days last month, the strangest thing happened - a beautiful cat suddenly appeared in our back garden! He is so friendly, so we were able to get him to the vet to see if he was chipped (he wasn't) and we checked local groups to see if anybody had reported a cat missing, but there was nothing. He's been with us for around three weeks and we are smitten. We need to get him neutered and vaccinated (we were waiting in case his owner would appear), but we are hoping that he can stay with us because he is so happy here and melts our hearts every day. He doesn't replace the cats that we lost but he's brought some spark and joy back into our lives! 

So, that's it from me! What have you been loving in April?

Thanks for reading!

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All products are bought by me, unless otherwise stated. Anything marked with a * has been kindly gifted, without obligation. I don't do sponsored posts. Opinion is always my own. Affiliate links may be used.


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